Malaysia Escapes & Hideaways
Kuching, Malaysia
Menyang Tais is a contemporary, living, Iban Longhouse located on the Ulu Ai River, a 4.5 hour drive and 40 minute boat journey from Kuching (Kucing) the capital of Sarawak.
At Menyang Tais, the natural rythms of life continue much as they always have for the Iban tribe, living along the river banks deep into the forested interior of Borneo, but have adjusted to the modern era. This is not a museum piece artificially maintained in a foregone era for the amusement of tourists. This is how Iban people really live in the 21st century... but you are still welcome to visit and share a genuine experience.
The longhouse roof is now made from corrugated zinc, not atap, and electricity is provided by generators. Many of the fishermen's boats have outboard motors, and television aerials can be seen towering over the roof on high poles.
A visit to Menyang Tais is an oportunity to have genuine encounter with Iban folk, to go fishing weith them, collecting fruit from the forest, and generally mucking in with the daily chores of the Iban people. In the evenings you can share locally produced "tuak" and participatre in the communal entertainment: dance, music and banter.