Malaysia Sports & Adventure
The most developed of the countries we visit where there is a significant middle class who themselves find time for leisure too. Adventures in Malaysia usually focus more on wildlife, rainforests and visits to Tribal longhouses. Peninsular Malaysia has excellent diving along its east coast and the Taman Negara and Endau Rompin National Parks offer good trekking options for people keen on wildlife observation. The Cameron Highlands provide a relief from the tropical heat with more trekking options up amongst the tea plantations. The Malaysian states of Sabah & Sarawak in Borneo are where to go for a more intense jungle experience. Sarawak is renowned for the upriver longhouses of the Iban tribal people where you can trek through forest, camping out or sleeping as guests of these former headhunters in their longhouses. Sabah is better known for the orangutans, proboscis monkeys, pygmy elephants and hornbills in the rainforests of Sepilok, Danum Valley, Tabin and along the Kinabatangan River. Excellent trekking possibilities, plus white water rafting on the Padas River, mountain biking the old logging tracks and, of course, scuba diving the world famous dive spots on the east coast, including Sipadan, Mabul, Lankayan and Layang Layang.