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- Uepi Island Resort
Solomon Islands Dive Packages

Choose where you sleep
- Uepi Island Resort
Uepi offers the unique opportunity to dive first-class sites that are only minutes away from the dive shop; conveniently located either off the edge of the island or just a short boat trip away. Diving is based on multi-level planning, beginning at 30 metres or less and ascending slowly throughout the dive, so Dive Computers are required. It is common for divers to stay in the water for an hour or so on each dive because the top 5-10 metres have endless species to discover, allowing a diver to get maximum value from each dive. Rarely will you view such diverse concentrations of marine-life in such a varied environment, ranging from lagoonal coral gardens to vertical drop-offs into
2000 metres of ocean (The Slot), mostly within the confines of a three kilometre stretch of reef.
The same basic dive rate applies to shore dives, night dives and boat dives on Uepi Island sites (see excursion dives later). The majority of expense for diving at Uepi relates to the cost of maintaining the reef and environs, as well as providing dive guides and a dive facility in such an isolated area.
Because of the location of Uepi Island, waters may be very clear with visibility in excess of 30m or visibility may be less. Tidal current interchanging to & from the Marovo Lagoon and The Slot makes the deep water passage immediately adjacent to the resort a prime habitat for a colourful population of filter feeders such as corals & sponges as well as for reef-fish, sedentary animals and pelagics.
A great advantage for some couples is that the convenience of dive sites means that a diver can enjoy top class dives yet have plenty of extra time to spend with a non-diving companion, snorkelling, sun-baking, walking, relaxing.
Special Notes on Uepi diving
Over a period of time many exciting underwater observations have been made including Orca, Pacific Sailfish & Marlin.
- At times families of Manta feed in the nearby lagoon, providing ultra close encounters.
- Nautilus can be trapped and after gentle viewing released in good condition.
- Mating aggregations, behaviour & spawning of fish, crustaceans & invertebrates are commonly observed.
- Extreme displays of bioluminescence can be seen, usually after heavy rain. Flashlight fish frequent the area at times.
- No collecting of live or dead animals is allowed at Uepi.
- Over 55 species of nudibranch have been recorded.
The Nature Conservatory, during a quick-scan reconnaissance survey of the Solomon Islands, identified over 1400 fish & 450 coral species. Uepi typifies that diversity.
- Uepi Island Resort is an SSI Resort & dives to industry standards. The dive policy is that divers should have fun & dive to their qualifications & experience levels. Uepi provides dive leaders for all dives. New or extra careful divers are looked after.
The nearest Recompression Chamber is in Honiara. however it is recommended that each Diver has DAN insurance or other satisfactory medivac insurance. DAN South East Asia - Pacific, DAN America, DAN Europe, DAN Japan.
- SSI Open Water Courses and Specialty Courses are taught at Uepi.

Uepi Dive Rates: AUD73 per dive, (Includes tank, weight belt and weights, boat and driver and dive guide). Optional Dive Trips (up to a full-day) are offered to adjacent islands and other areas, and are subject to trip fees. Custom fees apply to dives not on Uepi Island.
Dive Package : 9 + 1
The 9th member of the party is entitled to free accommodation, meals, diving and transfers.
Uepi Dive Sites
Uepi Point:
The passage meets The Slot at Uepi Point, where a near vertical reef corner is coated profusely with corals - especially gorgonian fans and colourful spiky soft corals. At 30m a coral peninsula juts out into the deep blue, and the walls plunge into the abyss. This provides the stage for a spectacular procession of pelagics including schooling barracuda, jacks, runner, rays and sharks. At various times and tides the point area becomes a hunting/feeding ground. As a result the underwater action can be very exciting. Many varied & large schools of feeding fish swarm across the reef-face of the deep point and into the shallows. The predators, giant trevally, mackerel, wahoo, rainbow runner, big-eye jacks, dogtooth & smaller tuna, sharks, barracuda and others cruise relentlessly back & forth waiting for pre-occupied inattentive fish to become their next meal. The explosive sounds and sights of large number of fish all taking evasive action at the same time fill the water. Families of garden eels, arrays of colourful gobies and a diverse collection of invertebrate life inhabit the sand patches of the shallows. The coral garden stretching from Uepi Point back to Uepi pier is festooned with anemones, mantis shrimps, coral shrimps, hard and soft corals and of course a myriad of associated reef-fish of all colours and sizes.
Uepi Point Drift:
From Uepi Point back to the Dive Shop pier, allow yourself the courtesy ride of the incoming tide. The passage wall meets the floor at about 50m. Large gorgonians, huge amphora basket sponge, soft coral trees and small hard corals cram the slope. You'll encounter schools of trevally, rainbowrunner, barracuda and other pelagics like mackerel, tuna and sharks, along with an abundance of reef fish including butterfly-fish, basselets, angelfish, unicornfish, surgeons, fusiliers, wrasses, the resident scorpion ‘firefish’ and clown-trigger fish.
Inside Point:
A sloping walled point at the Marovo Lagoon end of the passage, just in front of the resorts dining-room deck. The resident gang of whaler sharks parade past and circle this point when the incoming or outgoing current is running. The adjacent richly coral covered walls have an endless supply of small overhangs and picture caverns to peer into. A small cove in the wall attracts very high concentrations of barracuda. Finish the dive on the reef top to spot large grouper, octopus, molluscs, tubeworms, nudibranchs and holothurians and watch the colourful reef fish.
Uepi Welcome Jetty:
From flashing 'scallops' in a cave directly below the pier, to the base of 'Shark Bombie' in just over 30m. If time allows hunt for a pygmy seahorse, spotlight a colourful cave as you ascend to a 15m wall clustered with fans. Rated as one of the best shore dives yet, you'll see a variety of fish such as mangrove jack, greasy rockcods and stingrays resting on the sand, whilst under continual surveillance by the resident grey whalers, white-tips & black-tip sharks. The jetty always has dense schools of smaller fish & is home to a garden of tridacna ‘giant’ clams. The wall is great for an easy entry night dive with common sightings of sponge decorator crabs, hingeback shrimp, spindle cowries, basket stars, hawkfish, slipper lobsters ...the list goes on!
B O T C H (Bottom of the Channel):
This is a sensational dive directly off the Uepi dive jetty. The dive starts by entering the water at the dive jetty and descending to around 30m on the wall. Then head out into the passage and imagine being confronted with an underwater sand dune that rises about 2m off the bottom! The sand dune runs along the channel, following the current line, to the Deep Bombies at maximum depth of around 40m. Visibility at the bottom is often in excess of 40m. There are many interesting creatures to be found on the sandy bottom including thousands of garden eels waving in the current, sea pens and other sand dwelling species. The 360-degree panorama is spectacular! Often blue-spotted reef-rays and bull rays can be seen gliding over the sand and white-tips sharks ‘sleeping’ as eagle rays & sharks glide overhead. Continue on to 'Shark Bombie’ Then back to the wall and continue drifting, either to Inside Point or Uepi Jetty, direction depending on the current.
The Elbow:
An outside corner of Uepi Island where the wall is covered with luxuriant gorgonian fans. "Hanging out" at Elbow Point gives the diver a chance to see the pelagics of the area. Grey whaler sharks, schools of trevally and barracuda are common. Often sighted are spotted eagle rays, turtles, tuna, kingfish and white tip reef sharks. Seasonally common are the scalloped hammerhead sharks or maybe a great hammerhead. They come with the cold water, usually from June to November, but can appear anytime. Less common are manta-rays & dolphins. Uncommon are sailfish, marlin and even Orcas. After spending some time at the point the rest of the dive is spent exploring the numerous overhangs, cracks, crevices and swim-throughs of the area. "Flashing scallops" or file shells can be seen and easily photographed and it is not unusual to find a cuttlefish along the wall. For those who want to stop and look the walls have many nudibranch, sponges, cleaner stations manned by shrimp, diverse fish-life and a huge array of other invertebrates.
Elbow Caves:
Deep gutters through the reef wall, almost totally enclosed in some sections, make this dive memorable. Columns of sunlight radiate through cathedral like caverns. A large school of diamond-fish disguises the entrance to one cavern, often with barracuda flying through for a meal. Between the gutters, the upper wall overhang forms ledges with abundant fans and dripping webs of sponges. Again, keep one eye seaward for those travelling pelagics, but be sure you don't miss the resting turtle commonly found here.
North Log and South Log:
At times the walls are so steep they overhang the island. North Log is a series of overhang areas with sandy bottoms. The invertebrate life is prolific and the dive is most suited to people who want to spend time looking for small critters. Many goby shrimp combos,
twin spot goby, coral shrimps, nudibranch and invertebrates are common. Ghost pipefish, sea moth and exotic nudis have been found. For divers who like to just look at the wall and not go deep, this dive is very beautiful because of the topography, seafans, hard coral and fish life. Cuttlefish are often found and have been recorded laying eggs in this area. Pygmy seahorses colonise specific seafans.
Divers Bay:
Take a tour of the upper reef wall and swim through the various gutters to a lagoonal garden of hard corals. A variety of anemones and associated clown fish, damsels and cleaning shrimps to delight the photographer. Giant tridacna clams and bullnose rays, along with small reef sharks, cod, trout, flutemouths, down to the smaller coral inhabitants like damsels and pullers, nudibranchs, flatworms and other invertebrates. Explore the deeper lagoonal basin, a site for small manta rays. The inner reef has interesting topography with many overhangs, tunnels and caverns to explore. The outer reef area has hard corals, snapper, surgeon and unicorn fish, huge bumphead parrotfish and wrasses. Look for the cleaning stations. The ocean side of the outer reef drops off into endless depths and the possibility of sighting large pelagics, dolphins and turtles exists as for all the wall areas at Uepi.
Point to Point:
This is an advanced dive. It commences on the opposite side of the channel to Uepi Point at Charapoanna Point (see below). Divers descend quickly then navigate across the passage towards Uepi Point. During this dive schools of fish numbering in the thousands may be seen, mingling with sharks & rays. The deep bottom edge of the channel where it enters The Slot is called the “Amphi-theatre”. Outstanding visibility often offers panoramic views in all directions. Divers must be experienced in currents, deep diving, maintaining a planned depth in mid-water & the use of computers. Once across the divers safety stop at Uepi Point or drift back to the dive-shop.
Night Diving:
For inexperienced divers we enter at the dive-shop. The several jetties house many critters. At night a profusion of echinoderms and other invertebrates as well as crustaceans abound in this area. For more advance night diving Uepi Point is a very exciting site with many, many fish, crayfish, shells, eels, rays shrimps, crabs & more. Inside Point is also handy for a great night dive. The site chosen for a night-dive will depend on the divers experience, weather and diving conditions. It is a good idea to bring your personal dive-torch.
Uepi's premier night diving site is Uepi Point. Enjoy close-up encounters with masses of resting fish, exotic crustaceans, crayfish, basket stars, decorator crabs, shells such as the deadly Conus Geographus, flounder & crocodilefish, turtles.
Uepi Wreck Diving
The Wickham Harbour Wrecks
WWII Ship Wrecks
These wreck dives are located at Wickham Harbour, approx. 50 km South West of Uepi Island Resort, a boat trip of around 75 - 90 minutes. Note that the taking of souvenirs from any WWII site above or below water is illegal & there are severe penalties. These dives can potentially be dived as inexperienced, advanced or even very advanced dives, so divers will be expected to dive within their qualifications and experience.
Wickham Harbour (no actual harbour facilities, just the name) is actually the southern entrance to Marovo Lagoon from the Coral Sea. Exposed to a moderate amount to southern swells, the outer reaches of Wickham can be affected by rough seas, so there may be days when we do not offer this excursion.
Because these sites are custom sites they may be withdrawn at any time.
Japanese Freighter used in WWII, wrecked in 1942. It is 540 tons and is up to 50 metres long. Lying in approx. 30 - 40m of water sitting upright in good condition with the deck starting at about 32m and the bottom of the holds in about 38m, with the stern in about 40m.
The wreck has two main cargo holds one of which holds a large amount of various calibre machine-gun ammunition, mortars, field artillery shells, unopened boxes, bicycle tires and various unknown articles. The other hold contains coal, 44 gallon drums, cables etc. The forward storage lockers contain kerosene lanterns, mantles, floodlights, sake bottles, colognes, a shaving kit, beer bottles and various other items. The engine room can be seen from the rear cargo hold and above the gangway at the rear of the boat. The engines, gauges, dials and various other equipment is still intact and can be easily seen in this area. Crockery, glassware and other items have been found throughout the various cabins at the rear of the ship. The deck superstructure consists of winches, spare anchors, the main mast (complete with a large brass masthead lantern) and other scattered debris. Fish abound around the wreck including mangrove jack, cod, schooling barracuda and trevally. The wreck is covered in corals including gorgonian fans and black coral. This wreck is appealing to both experienced wreck divers and reef divers looking for something different.
There are areas which can be penetrated by the more experienced wreck diver such as the engine room and front storage locker, however an great overview of the ship can be obtained by encircling the wreck, swimming through the ammunition cargo holds and over the decks taking in the superstructure.
A Japanese freighter used in WW11. It is 775 tons and estimated up to 55 metres long. It was sunk 26th December 1942. It is upright and in good condition although the stern has been subject to an explosion and is moderately damaged. The wreck was sunk near a Japanese base at Wickham harbour in 1942. She lays upright in 38m of water with the bow slightly raised. The masthead is at about 15m and the top of the superstructure about 28m. The ship is believed to have been skip bombed: this is evident through holes in the starboard side, just above the water line near the bow. The ship has two cargo holds, one large hold towards the front of the ship and one smaller one amidships. The forward hold contains two large artillery pieces each approximately 5m long. They lay on their sides and the wheels, barrels and sighting apparatus are all visible. 44 gallon drums can also be found in the hold. This cargo was possibly bound for the head base at Guadalcanal but the position of the vessel suggests that it may have been nosed into the reef to unload stores for the nearby land-base holding approximately 300 troops. Alternatively once hit it may have been deliberately driven onto the reef in close proximity to the military base.
A main feature of this wreck is the easily accessible engine room, various deck equipment including anchors & winches. Marine life is reasonably abundant with a resident and very curious school of batfish.
Unidentified Wreck
Located about 1 km from the other two wrecks this wreck sits upright in 40m. There is a gun mounted on the foredeck but the holds are barren having been emptied by salvagers. The stern of the vessel has been blown by explosives. But this wreck often has very good visibility. Very large fish such as giant trevally & huge cod live in the open superstructure & huge schools of fish swarm over it. This makes it a very popular dive for photographers. Various opinions as to the origin & nationality of this vessel have been offered ranging from Japanese freighter to USA troop carrier.
Another Unidentified wreck
The fourth wreck, the latest addition, is the largest and shallowest (15m to 27m) with the deck at 15m, making it the obvious last dive. It is upright and in good condition. It also has very prolific fish life, a wheeled artillery piece on the bow and four cargo holds. Great for photos.
The hunt for other wrecks continues. Uepi Dive Team is still narrowing the search for several WWII aircraft wrecks. What is believed to be an USA P39 Air Cobra fighter has been searched for over some years. Scattered artefacts such as the remains of a jettisoned bomb have been found. Further afield what may be an USA B24 bomber is being hunted. These aircraft are hidden in difficult terrain with mostly very poor visibility. When these planes are found it may be possible to shift them to a more accessible site. One such find, a Japanese Zero fighter, buried in silt will be moved to a cleaner area soon.
Uepi Dive Excursions
Most of these dives are some distance from Uepi so are offered as excursions. In Marovo Lagoon, Uepi Island Resort has negotiated with the local reef owners a ‘Custom Fee’ to dive on their reefs. This recognises local ownership & customs. The ‘Custom Fee’ is an additional charge to the standard dive rate. In some cases additional trip fees also apply as an add-on to the normal dive price, collectively called ‘Custom Fees’. Dives on Uepi Island do not attract Custom Fees.
Because these sites are custom sites they may be withdrawn at any time.
Charapoana Point:
On the other side of the channel to Uepi Point. A very exciting dive where many fish congregate to feed where two currents meet. Many sharks, schools of barracuda, trevally, tuna and many other pelagics can be seen swirling around in the currents. There are several convenient
places to 'stop' and check out the action. Then up into the shallows to see excellent fishlife & corals, maybe see huge numbers of pipefish or the very large basket sponges also in this area.
Deku Dekuru:
25 minutes from Uepi. This dive includes a series of shallow cave and cavern systems. For the ‘Hidden Cave” you need an experienced guide just to find the cave & then lead you thru a bewildering twisting maze of a cave. The “Open Cave” is a spectacular canyon with beautiful coral reflections framing the overhead green jungle against the blue sky. The “Dark Cave” is a comfortable enclosed tunnel emerging you from the darkness into the bluest of blue water. Deku is different & provides outstanding, unique but demanding photo opportunities. The walls between the three cave areas also offer some interesting overhangs and very pretty corals with a fair chance of seeing rays & turtles.
Lumalihe Passage:
Thirty minutes from Uepi. Lumalihe leads from the Marovo Lagoon into The Slot. Best on an incoming tide. This is an impressive, wide & long, deep-water passage with prolific fish life, large fans, craggy overhangs & sharks. Ideal for multilevel diving, with the shallow depths just as fascinating as the deeper. Diverse & big.
General Store:
Fifteen minute boat trip from Uepi. The dive commences on a stunning drop off festooned with invertebrates including colourful sea fans. Nudibranchs are common. Eagle rays & the occasional hammerhead glide past. After checking out the wall divers reach a large bombie perched on the dropoff edge. Profusely covered in rich life from the depths to the crest at 5 metres divers traverse the various depths. Leaving the bombie by crossing a hard coral garden, divers enter an extensive swim through area that takes them into shallow hard coral gardens. The variety of corals in this area is amazing - excellent photographic opportunities with interesting light effects. Noted for close encounters with families of bumphead parrotfish and the endemic Solomon Island anemone fish. A swim along the wall takes you back to the crest of the bombie for your exit. Named General Store as it has a bit of everything.
Binusa & KuruKuru
Just along from General Store are both typically good wall dives.
Mongo Passage:
A renowned deep water passage dive half an hour from Uepi. Best with an incoming tide & strong currents. The mid depth wall is carpeted with a glorious, golden, soft coral. Streaming fish and the outside facing wall is stunning. Very varied fish life.
Billy Ghizo Point:
Ten minutes from Uepi. A triple combination of good dropoff wall diving, swim thru riddled coral gardens & a brilliant point. The point is small but covered in colourful invertebrates. The soft corals are outstanding & several gorgonian fans are home to the exquisite pygmy seahorses. A whole dive can be spent exploring or photographing the point. Like other sites cuttlefish are often seen.
Mateana Reef:
This extensive reef lies straddled across a wide but shallow passage between two islands. There are millions of small reef fish living all over this hardcoral reef. A maze of colour & movement. No need to dive deep but the topography from below is impressive. Eagle rays frolic off the wall at mating times.
Babata Sinkhole/Penguin Reef/Taiyo Fishing Boat Wreck/P38 wreck & Dauntless Dive-Bomber Aircraft wrecks:
These 4 dives are done together in a full day excursion, “The Bapita Trip”. From Uepi Island Resort past Seghe through Nono Lagoon to the "Canoe Passage", a narrow man-made canal connecting Nono with a backwater nestled between the mainland and a vegetated fringing reef. Often described as an everglade. The waterway deepens into a substantial lagoon confined by an impressive high cliff & a vegetated fringing reef. Where a narrow channel leads into the open sea the boat is tethered under a wave-cut platform.
The 'Sinkhole' directly under it in a few metres of water is a vertical shaft allowing comfortable descent to 28 metres. A horizontal cave then traverses about 20 metres seawards where the ceiling ends and the cave develops into a canyon with widening vertical walls. The floor terminates at about 50 metres depth where the broken remains of a USA barge rests, right on the lip of a deep drop-off. The marine life is nice especially the flashing file shells. The topography is spectacular above & below water.
Penguin Reef - an open ocean reef pinnacle washed by waves and home to seabirds. Beautiful topography and anything is possible with the wild life. It is hard to imagine more stunning coral formations. Huge arrays of anemones with overgrown anemone fish abound.
Taiyo Fishing Boat Wreck The "TAIYO" boat is a wrecked 35 metre tuna fishing boat. Run aground on its maiden voyage, a salvage attempt has left it completely vertical, perched precariously bow up stern down against a sheer dropoff face. The bow is in 1 metre of water and the stern rests on a narrow coral ledge. Below it the drop-off plunges downwards into the blue.
The boat is completely intact and is fully equipped. A surreal sight. Silvertip sharks cruise by at times.
P38 Fighter: This aircraft wreck is situated off the airstrip at Seghe, in about 8 metres and is in excellent condition. Being intact, divers can easily see the many features of this huge, twin fuselage, single seater WWII fighter. The surrounding reef is a great spot for soft corals, nudibranchs, colourful elephant ear sponges & a bit of ‘mucking’.
Dauntless Dive-Bomber Aircraft Located in 13m & close to the P38 these two wrecks are normally combined as the shallow water final dive of the Bapita Trip. Upside down but intact except for the cockpit cowling the unique features of this very successful dive-bomber can be easily seen; radial engine, bomb in the cradle & perforated air brakes amongst them. Imagine yourself being the rear-gunner as this amazing flying machine dives vertically down at a target, release the bombs at close quarters, brakes so hard you momentarily black-out then flips upwards to escape whilst you shake away the G-force effects & spray the target with 50 cal to keep the enemy gunners sheltering.
Expedition / Exploratory Diving
Currently Uepi uses outstations such as the excellent Matikuri Lodge to dive the Hele Bar area. This itinerary can include the Bapita Trip dives but we have several new exciting dives in this area & are still looking for more. This area is much more exposed than the Marovo Lagoon so rougher conditions might be expected & dive selection is more often weather determined.
You can also dive & explore the barrier reef further along the Marovo Lagoon. Whilst not included in Uepi's general diving schedules, there are proven dive sites should you feel a bit adventurous.
Uepi Island Resort
Uepi Island Resort is a small, privately owned and operated resort, located in the remote central area of the Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands.
Uepi Island is located as a barrier reef island on the edge of the Marovo Lagoon. One side of the island is fringed with sandy beaches lapped by clear lagoonal waters, whilst the other side has a wall of uplifted volcanic rock encrusted with corals, forming a fringing reef and a "drop-off" of approximately 2,000m depth. Uepi Resort is situated among cultivated gardens at the eastern end of the 2.5km long island and the remainder of the island is covered with pristine jungle, traversable via walking paths.
Uepi Accommodation
Uepi accommodation is bungalow style, 6 detached dwellings, 2 semi-detached units and 2 semi-detached guest rooms. The maximum number of beds is 32, however 20 guests is considered a full house. Four bungalows are absolute beachfront, two bungalows are set back a few metres in the gardens and the semi-detached accommodations have excellent views of the lagoon. All accommodations are within immediate walking distance from the sandy beaches and the fringing reef areas.
Uepi Diving & Snorkelling
Because of its location Uepi Island Resort can offer action packed, stress free holidays. The world class house reef is only minutes from the accommodation, providing a venue for unlimited free snorkelling, safely catering for guests of all levels of experience. Other snorkelling venues are just a short boat ride or extended walk away. Scuba diving is fully catered for with SSI resort to Dive Master courses available, as well as shore, boat expedition and night diving sites.
Uepi Kayaking
Both expedition and casual sea kayaking trips are possible from Uepi Resort. The expeditions incorporate the beautifully located Marovo Lodges for accommodation and meals to give participants a unique opportunity to experience the Marovo culture as well as the sensational environment of this, the world's longest, lagoon arranged.
Cultural Discovery from Uepi
Other cultural trips can be arranged from Uepi Resort, using motorised boats.
Sports and other activities
Swimming, paddle boarding, windsurfing, casual paddling, bushwalking, socialising and relaxing are other popular ways to enjoy an Uepi holiday.
Uepi specialises in personalised holidays, made possible because of the small number of guests, friendly Solomon Island staff and the fact that it is an owner operated business. Uepi is suitable for soft and advanced adventure travellers of all ages, who enjoy seeing and experiencing life in its real, non enhanced format.
2015 Room Rates, per person in AUD
Guestroom | Garden | Beachfront | |
Single | 235 | 300 | 315 |
Twin Share | 205 | 250 | 265 |
Extra Adult | N/A | N/A | 210 |
Children 3-6 years | 49 | 51 | 51 |
Children 7-12 years | 66 | 68 | 68 |
Single Sup for Christmas, Easter & Australian School Holidays |
- | 60 | 78 |
- Minimum Stay: 3 nights
- Minimum Stay, Christmas/New Year preiod: 5 nights
Return Boat Transfers, per person, Seghe~Uepi
Adults | 120 |
Children 7-12 years | 40 |
Children 3-6 years | 25 |
AUD 75 per dive, Includes tank, weight belt and weights, boat and driver and dive guide. Optional Dive Trips (up to full day) are offered to adjacent islands and areas and are subject to trip fees. Custom fees apply to dives not on Uepi Island.
Diving Package: Buy 9 dives, get one free.
Dive group books: the 9th member of the group is entitled to free accommodation, meals, diving and transfers.